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The Wellington High Creative Writing Club meets every Thursday in M206. Come along and try out some new ideas.

Check out the following website for information about further writing opportunities:




There you will find a link to Re-Draft: this is a national magazine for student writing, open to 13-19 year olds.



For inspiration, check out this selection of excellent New Zealand poetry (chosen by the International Institute of Modern Letters):




Here is a link to PIXAR's '22 Rules of Perfect Storytelling':





Writing Competitions!

Starling magazine

Starling publishes the work of New Zealand writers under 25. There are two editions every year.


You can submit writing at any time, although cut-off dates for work to be considered for each issue are 20 April for the July issue and 20 October for the January issue.


Poetry: send up to six poems.

Prose: Send up to two pieces, each up to a 5,000 word maximum. Prose may include short stories, creative non-fiction, personal essays or anything else you can surprise us with.


More details on the website.



$500 Creative Writing Award for year 12 and 13 students

The Katherine Mansfield House and Garden is offering a year 12 or 13 student the opportunity to win $500 to go towards further education/courses. All you need to do is submit an original piece of creative writing approximately 1500 words long. Click below for more details.

Historical fiction story in Write On magazine

There is currently a historical fiction story in our Write On magazine, with the entry form available on our website (click button below). 


Good book voucher prizes to be won. For students up to year 11.

The National Schools Poetry Award

Run by the IIML (International Institue of Modern Letters), care of Victoria University. For Year 12 and 13 students only.

Re-Draft competition

Then there is the annual Re-Draft competition for teenagers, now in its 16th year. The 15th edition, "They Call Me Ink", contains the entry form for 2016. Publication in this magnificent series is the prize.

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