She used to have freedom
She was free
Of all the things that poison her brain
But she is older
She has responsibilities
And she is no longer free of poison and traps
Her life is now a living hell
She will never be safe
She has been taken, trapped in her own head
She is kept a prisoner
“it will be your safe place” they tell her
“You will not be of harm here” they tell her
“We can keep you sane” they tell her
“Bad people are coming” they always say
She is oblivious as to why they chose her
This has been her life for the past 10 months
And she has learned her new life
She never questions why, who or how
Because she is afraid
Afraid prison is what she must call home now
All she knows is how to deal with it
Deal with the pain
Deal with her insaness
Deal with how to live
But she does’nt know they are already there
That prison is not “her safe place”
That the bad people are abusing her trust
That the only reason she is not dead is because they will die with her
She is lied to
uncontrollably abused
turned into her worst nightmare
She is the bad people
She is the reason she is there
And no one can help her
Only herself