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Fresh Avocado

'Pelorus Bridge' - Jelle Keizer (Year 9)

Whenever I am on the ferry I have two main feelings. The prominent feeling is boredom, but another major feeling is the excitement of being on holiday.

As soon as we hop off the ferry, the first place I want to go is Pelorus Bridge River, with its water which is the perfect temperature for swimming after a long car ride.

With its tall rocks perfect for jumping off, and an amazing location.

Lush greenery either side of the river.

The gentle groan of the trucks rolling over the bridge above.

The click of cameras from the tourists standing on the bridge all trying to get the perfect shot of the amazing vista.

The water a deep greeny blue, almost like a shiny Paua shell.

Clambering up a rock.

3. . .

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This is one of the most extraordinary places that I have ever visited and with pollution of rivers being a huge problem in New Zealand, it could mean that people can’t swim, drink or even have fun in these places.

This is terrible. If this were to happen in Pelorus I would be distraught. New Zealand is a phenomenal place and if this continues to happen then we will soon have no more swimmable rivers, lakes, and streams. We need change and we need it fast because if we don’t it will soon be too late.

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